If you haven’t followed JK Rowling’s Twitter account for the last few days destroying Piers Morgan, you’ve been missing a lot of fun.

In many of her rebuttals, I’ve noticed a response from trolls asking what she’s been doing for refugees. She’s donated a huge sum by the way. So coming back to the point, the trolls demand whether she’s willing to take up refugees in her _Mansion_ to support them.

While there’s no point in arguing with Trolls, I’d argue that the idea is to make refugees independent once they traverse across countries and not let them be dependent on someone. This benefits not only the refugees but also the economy. You’ll want these armies of people contributing back to the economy as soon as possible. And not want them to be subjected to spoonfeeding and ultimately becoming a burden on the economy.

Ironically, these trolls are the same people who’ll later complain about how the country could be spending more than a few million babysitting the refugees.


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