Game on, BadmasHvictor
Counter Strike, Uncharted and Pubg – Three games that I really loved over the course of 30 years of my lifetime. Each of these games, I played because I enjoyed it.
I had given Pubg a try earlier this year but it didn’t quite piqued my interest back then. Only about two months ago when my Manpreet, my colleague, explained the game play and added me to his “friend” list (I still haven’t played a game with him in the same squad), I got hooked. The first weekend I crossed level 11. Pubg’s social aspect, the fact that you play with your friends, compensates what it lacks in gameplay. And I like that about the game. I like getting on same squad with your friends, with your usual banter and passing time. Still, it wasn’t about the ranks for me.
Yesterday though my best friend refused to play a game because I’m a weak player and he didn’t want to sink his rank. Understandable. But. May you get close so close to chicken dinner winner and lose it for the next three days. Also, hereon, till New year’s I’m going to dedicate my time to get better at it just to get back at him.
Game on, BadmasHvictor 🤝
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