Tag: samsung
Bringing Manufacturing In India?
“South Korean electronics major, Samsung, which launched the new Rex series of smart feature handsets today, plans to sell the first completely ‘made-in-India’ handsets in the Chinese market.” – Business Stadard This is a really great news. While the Indian Government exports manufacturing jobs to China (With Aakash Tablet), Samsung is bringing it home?
My Smart TV Is Not That Smart
This Diwali we bought a new TV, yet another 32 inch LCD TV by Samsung. Got a Smart TV this time since they only sell those kinds these days. However, I soon realized that my smart TV is not really that smart. It allows me to browse through content on the Internet, use apps such as Twitter,…
Who Is Responsible For Nokia’s Free Fall?
Nokia charmed the world Terminator style – I’ll be back – with their series of commercials for their upcoming devices and with their audacious response to Samsung at IFA 2012, in Berlin with a banner that read "Samsung: Nokia welcomes you back to Windows Phone". Of course, why wouldn’t Nokia be quirky with Samsung. After all, Samsung…